. Rock - Rock music: Nirvana - school

Rock - Rock music: Nirvana - school

- Rock - Rock music -
 Rock - Rock music: Nirvana - school
Best rock songs with tabs, chords, lyrics and biographies of bands like Rammstein, Adele, Disturbet, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones and Queen.

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Nirvana - school

LyricsLetra Traducida
Won't you believe it
It's just my luck

No recess

Won't you believe it
It's just my luck

No recess

You're in high school again

No recess.


¿No lo creas es simplemente mi suerte

Sin recreo

No lo creas es simplemente mi suerte

Sin recreo

Estás en mi escuela de nuevo

Sin recreo

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 Rock - Rock music: Nirvana - school
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